State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute has experience in cereal breeding for already many years. Already in 1923 Stende started assessment of oat, rye, wheat, barley, and pea varieties and elimination of the best local populations. In 1929/1930 breeders Janis Lielmanis, Emils Berzins, and Jurijs Garbars registered first varieties, achieved with elimination method. It was varieties ‘Stende’, winter wheat varieties ‘Viestura’, and 'Zemgale', oat variety ‘Stendes mazas agras’ (‘Stende small early’), and barley variety 'Dzintara’.
During ninety years of its work Stende CBI performed breeding work with more than 20 crop species, as well as registered 65 varieties.
Newest and currently the most popular cereal varieties in State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute:
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
‘Talsis’ (initiated pre-registration tests in 2010) – winter wheat variety, good winter hardiness, high yield potential.
‘Edvīns’ (initiated pre-registration tests in 2010) – winter wheat variety, very good winter hardiness, high yield potential, grain quality corresponds to demands of food producers.
‘Robijs’ (registered in Latvia in 2011, initiated pre-registration tests in Lithuania) – spring wheat variety, medium long vegetation period in Latvian conditions, grain quality corresponds to demands of food producers.
‘Uffo’ (registered in Latvia in 2008, Estonia - 2011) – spring wheat variety, medium early on Latvian conditions, grain quality corresponds to demands of food producers.
‘Fredis’ (registered in Latvia in 2008, Estonia – 2011, Lithuania - 2012) – winter wheat variety, short vegetation period in Latvian conditions, very good winter hardiness, grain quality corresponds to demands of food producers.
‘Banga S’ (registered in 2005) – winter wheat variety, high yield potential, medium winter hardiness, high tillering period, crude grain, suitable for forage production.
Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
‘Kornelija’ (initiated pre-registration tests in 2012) – hulless barley variety, suitable for food production, short vegetation period, high grain quality indicators.
‘Austris’ (registered in 2008) – highly productive barley variety, suitable for forage and food production, it is characterized by crude, equally-sized grain in an ear.
‘Kristaps’ (registered in 2005) – highly productive barley variety for forage and food.
‘Druvis’ (registered in 2003) – barley variety for beer, medium long plant height, increased fertilizer doses give qualitative grain for forage.
‘Ansis’ (registered in 2011) – barley variety for beer, highly-productive, short plant height, high tillering coefficient.
‘Rasa’ (registered in 1991) – barley variety for beer, it is characterized by crude, equally-sized grain in an ear, comparatively short vegetation period, also suitable for organic farming.
‘Abava’ (registered in 1980) – popular barley variety for beer in Latvia and former USSR, it is characterized by ability to adapt different growth conditions.
Oat (Avena sativa L.)
‘Lizete’ (initiated pre-registration tests in 2013) – oat variety, long vegetation period, high total biomass yield.
‘Stendes Darta’ (registered in 2004) – oat variety, suitable for food and forage.
‘Arta’ (registered in 1999) – oat variety, suitable for forage, high grain quality indicators, short vegetation period, suitable for sowings with grassland intercrops.
‘Laima’ (registered in 1993) – oat variety, suitable for food, it is characterized by ability to adapt different growth conditions, stable yield per years.