Research Directions and Major Project Topics implemented at State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute

Classical and biotechnology tools for breeding, testing and maintenance breeding in cereals;  exploration and utilisation of cereal genetic resources:
  • 7th FP, ERA-NET, Core Organic II Project: “Coordinating Organic Plant Breeding Activities for Diversity, (COBRA) (Project Manager  Dr. Thomas Döring, ORC, UK, responsible person at the Institute Dr.agr. M. Bleidere; 2012-2015)
  • Support for Practical Applied Research Projects from the Ministry of Agriculture “Investigation of breeding material to implement the integrated and organic farming technologies in crops” (Project maneger Dr.agr. S.Zute, 2012-2014)
  • Scientific project co-financed by European Social Fund No. 2009/0218/1DP/ “Development, improvement and implementation of environmentally friendly and sustainable crop breeding technologies” (Project Manager Dr.agr. L. Legzdina, Responsible person at the Institute Dr.agr. M.Bleidere, 2009-2012).
  • Grants of the Latvian Counsil of Science No 08.2125 „The use of molecular marker technologies in the initial seed multiplcation” (Project manager Dr. agr. Arta Kronberga (Priekuli CBI), responsible persons at the Institute Dr.agr. M. Bleidere, 2008-2010)
  • COST FA 0604 (TraiGen) ´Triticeace genomics for the advancement of essential European crops. Participation in 3rd group "Implementation of Genomic Approaches for Understanding Cereal Traits". Responsible persons at the Institute  Dr.agr. M. Bleidere, Dr.agr. S. Zute, 2008 – 2011)
  • Support for Practical Applied Research Projects from the Ministry of Agriculture Use of molecular markers in determination of perspective lines of  feed and food barley” (Project Manager Dr.biol. I. Belicka, 2007.-2009)
  • 6th Framework programme FP-2003-SSA-1-007003 (ENVIRFOOD): Environmental friendly food production system: requirements for plant breeding and seed production (Project Manager Dr.biol. I.Belicka, 2005-2006)
Grain quality for the production of high-quality food, feed, ethanol and other products:
  • Research Project co-financed by European Regional Development Fund No 2DP/ “Assessment of local origin cereal species' potential and development of varieties for specific dietary foods production” (Project Manager Dr.agr. S.Zute, 2010-2013)
  • State Research Programm "Innovative Technologies for High-Quality, Safe and Healthy Food Production from Genetically, Physiologically and Biochemically Diverse Plant and Animal Material"; subprogram: “Evaluation of Latvian field crop diversity and enhancement of breeding by application of modern biotechnologies" (Project Manager Dr.ing. Daina Karklina, Dr.biol. Nils Rostoks, responsible person at the Institute Dr.agr. M.Bleidere, 2006-2009)
  • Other International Project „Improving the baking quality of barley; barley bread as a novel functional food”  (Project leading institution Arahus University, Resaerch Centre Flakkebjerg, Denmark; Project Manager Dr. E.Vincze, responsible person at the Institute Dr.agr. M.Bleidere, 2008-2011)
  • Support for Practical Applied Research Projects from the Ministry of Agriculture Suitability of different cereal species for heat and determination of ash agronomic value in waste products” (Project Manager Dr.biol. I. Belicka, 2007.-2009)
Optimisation of crop cultivation technologies for the needs of different farming systems:
  • Research Project co-financed by European Regional Development Fund No 2010/0313/2DP/ "Organic products extracts and their impact on crop production" (Project manager Dr. chem G. Bremanis, 2010-2013)
  • Support for Practical Applied Research Projects from the Ministry of Agriculture „Legumes - as an alternative to soybean in the production of protein-rich fodder: agrotechnical and economical substantiation for cultivation in Latvian conditions."  (Project manager Dr. agr. S.Zute, 2013-2015)
  • Support for Practical Applied Research Projects from the Ministry of Agriculture „Studies of prevalence, damage and development cycles of harmful organisms in crops to work out hazard thresholds for Integrated Pest Management” (Project Manager Dr.agr. B. Bankina (LLU), responsible persons in the Institute Mg.agr S. Maļecka, 2009 - 2013)
  • Support for Practical Applied Research Projects from the Ministry of Agricultute „The determination of maximum mineral fertilizer norms for cultivated crops”, (Project manager Dr.agr. A. Ruža (LLU), responsible persons in the Institute Mg.agr S. Maļecka, 2009 - 2013)
  • Grants of the Latvian Counsil of Science 09.1047 "Changes in soil properties depending on the agricultural land use" (Project manager Dr. agr. Aldis Kārkliņš (LLU), responsible persons in the Institute Mg.agr. I. Jansone, 2009-2012)
  • Support for Practical Applied Research Projects from the Ministry of Agricultute „Technological solutions for development of grain production industry” (Project Manager, Dr.agr. S.Zute, 2007-2009)
  • Grants of the Latvian Counsil of Science No. 08.2124 “Using of catch crops planted into cereals – a stategy to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus losses from agricultural activities” (Project Manager Dr.sc.I.Sturite, Dr.chem. G.Bremanis, 2008-2009)
  • Support for Practical Applied Research Projects from the Ministry of Agriculture “Development new eco-friendly method for preserving grain quality of rye in wet weather” (Project manager Dr.chem. G.Bremanis, 2007.-2008)
  • COST 860 action (SUSVAR) "Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity" (Responsible persons at the Institute Dr.Sc.I. Sturite, Ms.sc.agr. V.Strazdiņa, 2004-2008)

Cooperation projects with Latvian and international companies:

Germplasm evaluation agreement “Test of the agronomic performance of Boreale’s breeding materials in field trials in Latvia climatic conditions” (Contracting: Boreal Plant Breeding Ltd., Project manager Dr.agr. M. Bleidere, 2008 - 2013)
Germplasm evaluation agreement (Contracting: Republican Unitary Enterprise The Scientific and Practical Center for Arable Farming, Respublic of Belorus; Project maneger Mg.lauks. V. Strazdiņa, 2007 – 2017)
“Field Crops Value of Cultivation and Use (VCU) Testing for Organic and Conventional Farming Systems” (Contracting: Latvian University of Agriculture, Project Manager Mg.agr. I. Jansone, 2012 – 2015)
Market-oriented Research Projects co financed by Ministry of Education and Science and “Rīgas Dzirnavnieks” Ltd "Application test of mother liquors and quaterine from mildronate to rape cultivation" (project manager Dr.chem. G. Bremanis, 2007-2010)
Market-oriented Research Projects co-financed by Ministry of Education and Science and “Grindeks” Ltd „Improvement possibilities of husk content and other quality traits important for production in oats of Latvian origin” (project manager Dr.agr. S. Zute, 2007-2010)
Contract agreements with private entrepreneurs:
  • Timac Agro Ltd Fertilizer efficiency in sowings of spring rape, spring barley and plantation of potato (contract manager Ms.sc.agr. S. Maļecka)
  • Micro&Makro; Ltd. Fertilizer efficiency in sowings of spring rape and spring wheat(contract manager Ms.sc.agr. S. Maļecka)
  • Bayer Ltd Pesticides efficiency in sowings of winter and spring rape (contract manager Ms.sc.agr. S. Maļecka)
  • Urboekoloģija Ltd.  ALBIT efficiency in the sowing of winter rape, spring barley and plantation of potato (contract manager Ms.sc.agr. S. Maļecka)
  • Aloja Agro Ltd. Evaluation of Europlant potato varieties (contract manager Ms.sc.agr. L. Vojevoda)




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