About us
State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute performs scientific research work in cereals breeding, grain cultivation and other fields of organic and conventional farming. The aim of Institute activity is to create new knowledge for sustainable development and competitiveness of Latvian agriculture.
The main action lines of the Institute:
establishes new crop varieties, suitable for Latvian environment and producer demands; provides seed maintenance and multiplication;
ensures protection of cereals' genetic resources and their sustainable use;
provides scientific researches, develops recommendations for sustainable, environmentally friendly crop production technologies;
ensures research-based expertise in seed multiplication production sectors;
promotes integrated development of science, education and practice in the field of agriculture, crop farming and other branches of agriculture;
For research and seed multiplication needs the Institute cultivates 205 ha of public land and maintains eight buildings.
Currently the Institute employs around 50 staff members.
Researchers of State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute:
participate in projects commissioned by Latvian Research Council, Ministry of Agriculture, and other public institutions,
participate in projects of EU structural funds and 7th framework programme,
implement researches and demonstrations ordered by state and private companies,
are opened for cooperation in research projects and knowledge provision for students, farmers, and other interested parties.