According to LR Cabinet of Ministers ordinance Nr. 640 (October 21st, 2015) the DPP "Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics" (AREI) has been established on the base of agricultural research institutes DPP "State Priekuļi Plant Breeding Institute", DPP "State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute" and DPP "Latvia State Institute of Agrarian Economics" since January 1st 2016. The new institute is supervised by the Latvia University of Agriculture.
State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute successfully continues work directions and traditions, started by first state-established breeding station in Latvia (1922). Also nowadays cereal breeding, seed farming and crop cultivation is the most significant research directions in the institute.
In ninety years of the Institute activity Stende breeders for Latvian farmers have established more than 65 varieties.
Currently 14 barley, oat, wheat and red clover varieties, established in Stende, are registered in Latvian and European Union Plant Variety Catalogue. The most popular varieties: 
barley ‘Kristaps'
oat ‘Laima’
winter wheat ‘Fredis’
spring wheat ‘Uffo'
red clover ‘Dižstende’
The only crop farming research centre in Kurzeme region unites researchers and specialists, who are willing to:
cooperate with scientists of different fields and implement diverse research projects;
organize Spring and Field day seminars in Stende every year;
transfer their experience to new farmers as a practice farm.